Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Volunteers Clean Up South Coy

This post is way overdue!!

Many thanks to a wonderful group of volunteers from the St. Joseph's / St. Benedict's neighborhood who cleaned up a public area at the end of the alleyway between Coy & 8th Streets, just south of Central Avenue.

They worked their magic back on Saturday, March 31.

Former neighborhood resident Pat Winegardner helped organize the cleanup along with Watchdogs neighborhood group president Ann Dercher and a crew of willing and able neighbors.

Pat told me that, "the 'ditch' had not been cleared in yeeeeears" and she said that it looked like a park after the neighbors got through with it.

Thanks also go to Tim Nick and the UG Public Works department for picking up all of the debris that the volunteers collected from the site.

I can't tell you how proud I am of this group for taking the initiative to make their neighborhood a better place to live. We could learn a lot from their example.

I'm sure there are volunteers working on projects like this throughout District 2. Let me know if you're a part of (or if you know about) any efforts to make your neighborhood a better place to live and play.

Here are a few photos of the cleanup effort...

Before the cleanup started 

Hard at work 

 Making it happen


After the clean up - WOW!

Lunch time