Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Time to Work Magic in Wyandotte County

Just a short post today to let everyone know that I'm not frozen in a snowbank somewhere… I'm still here even though there's been a long dry spell in blog posts.

I know it's strange to make a New Year's resolution on March 6th, but that's exactly what I'm doing today...

I'm resolving today to publish a new blog post at least every 7-10 days for the rest of this year. There are simply too many good stories to tell and too many good people to recognize to post any less frequently than that.

I'll start publishing genuine new content this coming weekend. Here's a short teaser with just some of the upcoming topics:

  • First Annual District 2 Spring Cleaning Day on May 11 (get ready!!)
  • Planting, growing and harvesting help from Kansas City Community Gardens
  • Fighting blight with the Neighborhood Housing Task Force
  • Making a healthy difference at Turner House Children's Clinic
  • Encouraging small business success at the Kansas Black Chamber of Commerce

Cool stuff.

But before we get to those stories, let's briefly revisit a topic that we've discussed before… the importance of believing that we (together) have the power to make magic happen in our community. Not just thinking we have the power, or hoping we have the power, but absolutely believing with all our hearts that we have the power.

I had a very thoughtful and energizing conversation yesterday afternoon with a couple of long-time Wyandotte County residents who flat out challenged me and everyone in our government to step up and be leaders in making Wyandotte County (our home) a place that families and businesses flock to rather than a place that families and businesses flee from.

Fair enough… I'll take that challenge… but only if each and every one of you who read this blog take the challenge with me. I've said it before and I'll say it again, no one of us can do it on our own. And if anyone tries to tell you that they can, then they are deluded.

In his book "The Magic of Believing", author Vic Johnson asserts that, "What people expect is ultimately what they get."

If that's the case (and I believe it is), then my message to you today is that we need to expect more… from ourselves and from everyone around us. It's time to stop selling ourselves short and settling for second best. It's time to roll up our sleeves and work hard and become the city that everyone else wants to live in and everyone else wants to copy...the city where all neighborhoods flourish, all businesses thrive and all people succeed.

There is more than one barrier standing in the way of that goal. It's not going to be easy getting there. As a matter of fact, it will probably be dang hard and we're going to have to work some magic to pull it off. But "we the people" can do amazing things! Are you with me?

Here's my challenge to you… No matter how big or how small, do something concrete and positive to strengthen and build Wyandotte County before this day is over. Inside your business...on your your doesn't matter where and it doesn't matter what. Start small, but start today!

No matter what anyone thinks about us, no matter what anyone says about us, no matter what anyone writes about us, we have the power to make our humble city a sought-after destination in the Midwest.

Look for another blog post this weekend on one of the topics listed above. In the meantime, feel free to send an email or drop a note in my Suggestion Box (links below).

~ Brian
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